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Picture of Roselyne Chenu

Roselyne Chenu

ROSELYNE CHENU (1933) graduated in chemistry at the University of Louvain (1955). After spending a year at the Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, as a Fulbright scholar (1956–57), she obtained her secondary school teacher training degree (agrégation) in 1958, following which she taught in secondary education as a maths and science teacher (1958–1966). She came in contact with the Congress for Cultural Freedom in 1964 where she began work as executive assistant and became a close collaborator of Pierre Emmanuel (1964–1975). She was appointed General Secretary of the European Intellectual Mutual Aid Fund, initially an affiliate of the CCF (1971–75) and was elected a member of its Board of Directors (1971– 78). After the dissolution of CCF’s successor, the International Association for Cultural Freedom in 1979, she held leading positions in cultural organisations and institutions, among others the Fondation d’Hautvillers pour le dialogue des cultures (Hautvillers Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue) and the Institut du monde arabe (Arab World Institute). She published several poetry anthologies and works commemorating her years at the CCF, her most recent book being En lutte contre les dictatures – Le Congrès pour la liberté de la culture, 1950–1978 (Fighting Dictatorships – The Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1950–1978). She was made a Commander of the Order of Freedom of the Portuguese Republic and a member of the Order of Palmes Académiques of the French Republic.