Réka Pigniczky

Réka Pigniczky

RÉKA PIGNICZKY (Lansdale, Pennsylvania, 1970) is a television journalist and independent documentary filmmaker, co-founder of 56Films Hungary. She worked for the Associated Press Television News for over 10 years, both in New York and Budapest. She completed her first feature- length documentary in 2006 titled Journey Home: a story from the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. It won awards in Hungary and was invited to screen at a number of international film festivals. She completed her second feature-length documentary, Inkubátor, in 2010, which was shown in theatres across Hungary and voted one of the 25 best films released that year. Her latest film, a documentary short The Life of László Hudec (2011) had its Hungarian première during the 43rd Film Week.


The Story of Hungarian Architect László Hudec László Ede Hugyecz (1893–1958) – later L. E. Hudec – was a Hungarian architect who fled the vicissitudes of Europe in the early 20th century, taking with him the style and knowledge of European building design and construction. His body of work, spanning


The 43rd Hungarian Film Week from a documentary filmmaker’s point of veiw The 43rd Hungarian Film Week almost did not happen. After it was made clear that no state funding had been set aside for the event, fi lmmakers resigned themselves to the fact that it would be the first