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Picture of László Végel

László Végel

LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL was born in 1941 in Szenttamás (Srbobran), then part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Now he lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. He is a novelist, a play-wright and an essayist. His main works include the novels Egy makró emlékiratai [Memoirs of a Macro], Áttüntetések [Fade-ins], Bűnhődés [Punishment], Neoplanta avagy az Ígéret Földje [Neoplanta or the Promised Land], a chronicle titled Exterritórium, and a selection of essays published under the title Hontalan esszék [Homeless Essays].


A spectre is haunting the universal map of humanity: the spectre of minorities. The map is overwhelmingly complex and these travellers are small and vulnerable. A distant viewer would not even discover this chaotic and anarchic stream of people aimlessly yet stout-heartedly drifting on pathless ways, far away from the