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Picture of Larry D. Jacobs

Larry D. Jacobs

LARRY D. JACOBS is Managing Director of World Congress of Families and the International Organization for the Family. He has Master’s degrees from Yale University in Economics (M.A.) and Natural Resource Policy (M.F.S.), and is a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Environmental Science from Allegheny College. Jacobs is an experienced leader with diverse background in business, non-profit organisations, Christian ministries and Fortune 500 companies. He is founder and CEO of Jabez Consulting, a not-for-profit consulting business that assists businesses, Christian organisations and pregnancy centres with medical services, fundraising, business strategy, development and community relationship building. He is the former President, CEO and Development Director of Healthy Beginnings, a medical practice and healthcare ministry that worked with more than 18 pro-life pregnancy centres in the US. He has served on many boards and executive committees, including Heartbeat International, Black Conservative Summit and Trinity Christian School. He is currently chairman of the Board for Freedom’s Journal Institute for Faith and Public Policy and the Black Conservative Summit.