Judit Járai

Judit Járai

Judit Járai is a radio and television journalist, former Washington correspondent of the Hungarian Radio. Her most important works include Csupa mosoly volt. Beszélgetés Charles Fenyvesivel (All Smiles: A Conversation with Charles Fenyvesi), Szent Jakab mennyei egyszerűsége. Beszélgetés Baránszky Tiborral (Saint Jacob’s Heavenly Simplicity), Quo vadis, domine? Beszélgetés Prof. Papp Lajossal (Quo vadis, domine? Conversation with Professor Lajos Papp), and A beszélő isten. Beszélgetés Prof. Molnár Tamással (Talking God. Conversation with Professor Tamás Molnár). At present she lives in Budapest.


The angry woman spoke in a shrill voice to the television reporters. “The country should speak out against these measures, they go against the development of society!” she cried. Then, in a voice a bit quieter, but with the same vehemence, she tried to explain her position. “We will live