John Harmon McElroy

John Harmon McElroy

JOHN HARMON McELROY is the editor of a history of Columbus’s voyages and a diary of the US Civil War (The Sacrificial Years) and is the author of three books on American cultural history (Finding Freedom; American Beliefs; and Divided We Stand). A professor emeritus of the University of Arizona, he also held faculty appointments at Clemson University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and, as a Fulbright Professor of American Studies, at universities in Spain (Salamanca) and Brazil (Santa Catarina). In 1981 he taught at the English Seminar in Poznań, Poland. He is a graduate of Princeton University with a doctorate from Duke University and has just completed a book titled America’s Culture, Its Nature & Enemies: A Synopsis.


Apart from Iceland, which is a European country situated by itself out in the North Atlantic, the east-west extremes of Europe are the west coast of Ireland at 10 degrees west longitude and Russia’s Ural Mountains at 60 degrees east longitude. The central meridian of these extremes is 25 degrees