István Örkény

István Örkény

ISTVÁN ÖRKÉNY (Budapest, 1912 – Budapest, 1979), writer, translator. He was a dramaturge and editor, then worked as an engineer at a pharmaceutical factory. In 1942 he was sent to the River Don front in a forced labour unit. In 1943 he was taken prisoner of war, and returned home at Christmas 1946. He worked on the Communist daily Szabad Nép, and his writings appeared in several monthlies and weeklies. Because of his participation in the 1956 Revolution, his works were not authorised to appear from 1958 to 1962, and he had to return to pharmacology during these years. From 1963 on he enjoyed great success for his novels, short stories and works for the stage.


István Örkény A HYMN TO BUDAPEST Fohász Budapestért Budapest, my glorious city, forgive me, your errant son, who was born here, yet knew you not, who loved you but denigrated you so. How could I have thought of you that you are no more than any city, and merely one