Anton Hykisch
ANTON HYKISCH (1932, Selmecbánya) writer and diplomat; has a degree in economics. He has written more than 30 books (novels, short stories, documentary novels). Following the Soviet invasion in August 1968, he was kept from publishing for many years. After 1989, he became a representative in Parliament and was also member of the presidium of the Slovak Parliament; was one of the initiators of declaring the Republic of Slovakia’s independence. Later, he was the first Slovakian ambassador to Canada; following his return, he taught political science at the University of Nagyszombat. Currently he is a freelance writer in Pozsony. He is co-founder and former president of PEN Slovakian Centre; was vice-president of the Slovakian Paneuropean Union; member of the World Future Society (USA). His recent works include the following: Egyedül idegen városokban (2006) [Alone in foreign cities], short stories; novels: Emlékezz a cárra! (2007) [Remember the Czar!]; Régi idők gyönyörei (2009) [The pleasures of old times]; Az én Selmecbányám (2012) [My Selmecbánya]; Higgyetek a császárnak! (2016) [Believe the Emperor!].