Anna Sebők Páskándi

Anna Sebők Páskándi

Anna Sebők Páskándi (Kolozsvár-Cluj, 1943), an Associate of the Hungarian Academy Research Group on Eastern Europe, graduated in Romanian at Temesvár (Timisoara) University in 1971. In 1974 she sought Hungarian citizenship and moved to Hungary with her husband, dramatist Géza Páskándi and daughter Ágnes to Budapest. Since 1975, as an analyst, editor and translator she has worked on minority themes, and has written on Hungarian-Romanian literary interaction. She has published books and directed documentary films on the aftermath of the Hungarian Revolution in Romania. She has received several awards for her creative work, among them a Documentary Prize at the 2005 Hungarian Film Week for Transylvania 1956, from which we publish script excerpts in the present issue of Hungarian Review.


The only region of East Central Europe where the Hungarian Revolution of October–November 1956 found powerful echoes was Transylvania, whose large Hungarian minority could follow events unfolding in Hungary in their own language, as Budapest-based Hungarian radio threw off the dead weight of censorship. Even before the revolution was crushed,