Alexander Stemp

Alexander Stemp

ALEXANDER STEMP took to writing recently after many visits to the Ukraine Carpathians. During this time, with various photographs, he put together a light, geographical travel guide called The Ukraine Carpathians: Europe’s Last Great Wilderness. After being published in 2011, he received critical acclaim with his book and has returned to Ukraine on a regular basis to make book presentations and to appear as a guest on Ukraine TV. He is currently working on short stories to be published soon.


The little town of Szelmenc, better known as the divided village, derives its uniqueness from its resemblance to a miniature version of Cold War Berlin, thanks to a troublesome border. With its population of Hungarians, Slovaks and Ukrainians, sleepy little Szelmenc sits right on the Slovakian–Ukrainian border, halfway between Uzhgorod/Ungvár